No matter what you use your dome for, you want it to stay as shiny and inviting as the day it arrived. While each rain shower naturally refreshes your dome, it can gradually accumulate dust, dirt, pollen, and sand particles over time. This is when you might consider taking action by rinsing or power washing your dome to restore its sparkle. And here we are, ready to guide you through all the steps to easily clean your dome.

Simple Dome Cleaning
In most cases, all you need to do is reach for your trusty hose and rinse off any debris. By rinsing the dome with your hose, you’ll stop the dirt getting into the little gaps between the panels. Simple, right?
Do it when you find it needed, typically once every 2-3 months, depending on your dome’s location and its surroundings. If the dome is situated under trees or is exposed to dust, the frequency of this simple cleaning may be higher. Conversely, if the dome is in an open space, you might only need to do this twice a year. That’s really all it takes.
Got some tricky dirt or bird droppings sticking stubbornly to your Hypedome? Your garden igloo dome comes complete with a cleaning kit. It’s time to open it up and put it into action. You can also use lukewarm water mixed with a mild detergent (like a washing-up liquid) and apply it with a microfibre cloth. Make sure to rinse off the detergent right away with clean hose water.
Getting Ready for Simple Geodesic Dome Cleaning
Close or zip the door, keep the window panels nicely closed, and wash away. When you want to restore the shine to your dome, that’s really all there is to it.
Deep Garden Pod Cleaning
Once (after winter) or twice (also in the middle or at the end of the summer) a year you may want to give your dome a more thorough, in-depth clean, especially when you notice a buildup of grime or a slight dullness in its sheen.

This is particularly true if you’re the proud owner of either a transparent dome or a translucent dome, where a little outdoor dirt gathered in the small gaps between the panels can break up the aesthetic of the dome’s stylish design. If, on the other hand, you have one of our mirror domes, the simple cleaning tips from above should be plenty because any dirt will be far less visible on this surface.
Start your quick dome exterior washing session by giving it a thorough hose water rinse to remove any loose debris. Follow this up with a power wash directed chiefly at the panel gaps to get rid of tree pollen and other dirt hiding away in the gaps. Just like we show it in the video below.

Hypedome deep cleaning with a pressure washer
Don’t have a power washer? No worries! You can achieve similar results by using a spray water gun attached to your regular hose. Just pick a water gun that has different modes and go for the one that gives you the strongest water stream.
Prepping to Deep Clean Your Garden Igloo Pod
Closing doors and windows is essential, as is knowing how the dome’s structure works. Hypedome’s signature fish scale design stops rainwater from entering, but it can still result in a little dampness from power washing coming in at unnatural angles.
We suggest removing small items and electronics from the dome and covering larger pieces of furniture. A quick bit of prep like this will save you from any headaches and make sure your outdoor structure cleaning goes smoothly from beginning to end.


…and after power washing the dome
The Final Dome Washing and Care Step
After the work is done, open the door and windows, to let the moisture out. If you have hard water we recommend drying the dome with a soft cloth. Doing so will reduce water spots and add to the pristine look and feel of a dome as if it has just been newly arrived. Now that’s what we call garden dome rejuvenation that’ll leave your Hypedome looking so divine, the neighbouring gnomes will be green with envy!

Garden Pod Cleaning FAQs
Q: What’s the best chemical product to clean Hypedome?
A: A mild detergent, like for your washing up would be ideal, as would a non-abrasive alkaline car shampoo. Alcohol, gasoline, denaturants, or other aggressive solutions are forbidden.
Q: Can I clean my dome with a power washer?
A: Yes, it’s perfectly safe to power wash your Clear, Grey, or Opal Hypedome. However, for the Mirror dome, we suggest using only hose water, as this is sufficient for keeping this style clean. Instead of a power washer, you can also achieve similar results by using a water gun attached to your hose.
Q: Can I clean the dome on a hot day?
A: Beating sunshine is great for relaxation but not so great for water spots. Pick a mild day when you have time to wipe your dome dry before the sun evaporates the water droplets, leaving watermarks in the process.
Q: Can I use a steam cleaner to clean the dome and panel gaps?
A: The very high temperatures may be harmful to the dome’s surface. We’d advise against reaching for your steam cleaner.
Q: Can I use a polishing compound?
A: Dome surface polishing can result in an unwanted milky finish and is best avoided.
Q: Can I clean Hypedome with a dry cloth?
A: Avoid dry cleaning. Dust particles dragged across the panels can scratch their surface.
Q: Should I remove Hype.Wall Panels before deep cleaning?
A: The outside of the panels is covered by a water-repellent fabric. If it’s reasonably warm and dry outside (or if you plan on heating up your pod later) leaving Hype.Wall Panels won’t be an issue. If there’s likely to be very long-term moisture exposure, it’s advised to take off the panels before cleaning the dome.