Nestled deep in the secluded forests of Japan’s Totsukawa Village, the Kuuchuu No Mura (eng. Village in the Air) offers visitors a truly unique experience. Created by Jolan, this hidden gem lets guests reconnect with nature through treetop walks and breathtaking accommodations. Whether staying in a cozy treehouse or a transparent glamping Hypedome, the immersive experience blends serenity and adventure. Let’s dive into how this captivating project came to life.

Q: You’ve created something truly special with your Village in the Air. How did this all start? Was Japan always part of the plan?
Jolan: Not at all! I came to Japan ten years ago for a master’s degree near Kobe. After I graduated, I found myself drawn to the forests, so I moved to Totsukawa, a remote village. When I say remote, I mean it – we’re talking an hour and a half from the nearest train station, no supermarkets nearby. It’s completely cut off from modern life. I started working as a lumberjack and realized two things: the forest industry here is in decline, and Japanese adults don’t really engage with nature anymore. That’s when the idea for a new kind of park began to form – a place where people could reconnect with nature.

Jolan, owner of the Kuuchuu No Mura
Q: That sounds like an eye-opening moment. How did you go from that idea to creating a park?
Jolan: About seven years ago, I started sketching ideas for a park that would let people experience the forest in a new way. With help from the village office and locals, we brought the project to life. We officially opened in 2020 as a treetop walk with bridges, platforms, and treehouses for daytime relaxation. But as people began visiting, they kept asking if they could stay overnight. That’s when we decided to expand and add accommodations.
Q: It’s great that you listened to your visitors! Tell me more about the different lodging options you offer now.
Jolan: We have four types of lodging. First is the treehouse, which is very popular. We added also three Hypedomes – what I like to call transparent domes. We also offer aerial tents and hammocks suspended in the trees. Each type provides a unique way to experience the forest.
Q: It sounds like a magical place to stay. Do most people come just for a night, or do some stay longer?
Jolan: Usually, it’s just for one night. We see all kinds of visitors, though – about 40% are families, another 40% are couples, and the rest are solo travelers or small groups of friends. It’s quite a mix, which I love.

Q: It must be challenging to run a project like this in such a secluded area. How did you manage the logistics, especially with the local municipality?
Jolan: Luckily, the village owns the land and has been very supportive, so that part was straightforward. The real challenge was financing – building the lodgings and the surrounding facilities, like the barbecue area and showers, took a lot of money. It’s more of a camping site than a hotel, but it still required significant investment.
Q: Speaking of the domes, how are you finding the Hypedomes? Are you happy with the decision to add them?
Jolan: Definitely. I chose one Hypedome M and two smaller S domes. I like offering variety – it’s more interesting for guests to have different experiences. The Hypedomes are in high demand, and I built them on wooden decks to prevent water from seeping in. I invested in air conditioning and heating depending on the season to prevent the domes from getting too hot in summer and chilly in colder months. My guests love their stays in the Hypedomes.

Q: And what about privacy? Do guests feel secluded enough in the transparent domes?
Jolan: Yes, the park is large, so we’ve spaced the domes out to ensure privacy. We’ve added curtains to the Hypedome S mirror, which isn’t fully transparent and is located a bit closer to some attractions. I don’t like using too many curtains, though – it defeats the purpose of being in nature. Guests come here to feel connected to the forest, and the Hypedomes really deliver on that experience.
Q: I imagine the weather plays a big role in the guest experience. What’s the climate like?
Jolan: Japan has a harsh climate – hot, humid summers and cold winters. In the summer, it can reach 40°C/104°F, so air conditioning is a must. We close the park during the winter months, so we’re open from March 1st to November 30th, about nine months a year.

Q: How has the first year been for you in terms of bookings?
Jolan: It’s been a good start – we’ve had around 400-500 guests stay in the domes. The challenge is attracting visitors on weekdays. Japanese people tend to work long hours and mainly come on weekends. We’re working on strategies to bring in more guests during the week.
Q: Are you seeing interest from international visitors as well?
Jolan: Yes, we’re starting to attract more tourists from abroad, and we’ll be launching our website in English and French soon. We’ve also got some YouTube collaborations planned. So far, we’ve had a few international guests, and I expect that number to grow.
Q: You mentioned that you built the Hypedomes yourself. How was that process?
Jolan: I did, and it’s actually quite doable even by one person. The Hypedome M was a bit more challenging because of its height, but overall, I think anyone can do it.

Q: Speaking of your lodgings, I know the treehouse is quite special, but which one do your guests book the most?
Jolan: The treehouse is booked solid six months ahead since there’s only one. But the Hypedomes are a close second. My favorite is the Hypedome S Mirror. It’s cozy, private, and easy to maintain – especially when cleaning up the leaves that fall from the trees. Guests love all the domes, waking up to the sound of rain and stunning forest views. Each dome offers a unique way to experience nature.

The Village in the Air offers more than just a place to stay – it’s a transformative experience that reconnects visitors with nature in a profound way. Whether you’re exploring the treetop walk, staying in one of the Hypedomes, or simply enjoying the peaceful sounds of the forest, it’s a retreat unlike any other. Ready for your own adventure? Visit Kuuchuu No Mura Village in the Air for an unforgettable escape into nature. And don’t forget to check out more Hypedome Stories to see how others are transforming their spaces with Hypedomes!